Haley Buckner
Com 38611
Tuesday January 8 we had a special guest Virginia Kerr from KMOV, news channel 4. She started off by telling us a little bit about herself. She was born in Birmingham, Alabama. Being a News anchor wasn’t always Virginia’s dream. She started out as a Psychology major and realized in her last semester that she really loved reporting. So she took some broadcasting classes.
Her first internship she ran the teleprompter. Virginia let us know that we needed to send our tapes out to EVERYONE. She told us to start reading the newspaper and rewrite those stories. Virginia also talked about how dedicated you need to be in this job. She stated that she hasn’t been home for Christmas in ten years. She also said that her day starts at 2 A.M every morning. She goes into the studio and starts out by looking at websites to see if she had missed any news while she was sleeping.
Virginia talked to us about make up and clothes she said that she had a meeting for three hours with a hair and make up consultant. She said that make up is not necessary but it all depends on the person. She laughed and said that if she didn’t wear make up she would look like a scary person with lots of freckles.
She said that she started out being a “one man band” she did all of her work by herself. She was glad that she got that experience because it has helped her through out her career. Virginia was very nice and gave us so much great advice. She told us that we should be ourselves. I really enjoyed her coming and speaking to our class. She was very down to earth and very helpful.
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